We all have strong feelings - about ourselves, each other, and life even if they’re buried deep. We are meant to get scared enough to avoid danger, to get pissed off enough to change things, to cry deeply enough to truly let go of what we've lost. Then joy and compassion have deep roots and bold possibilities. The real problem is we're scared of our own feelings, and we've learned to avoid our own fear.
Heartbeat is wild strong medicine for numb, broken, frozen hearts, as well as for our hard-hearted culture that’s going crazy trying to escape itself and find itself at the same time. It maps out the ways your feelings and your wounded shadows move so you can use their energy for creative action, and become a stillpoint in the storm of your own heart. It is a deep meditation and a celebration of loving; embodied, expressed, released, your feelings become a source of creative power and presence both on and off the dance floor, to find the courage to love and be loved.
Please note, this is a 5Rhythms® Heartbeat workshop and we recommend at least 15 hours of basic 5Rhythms Waves practice (1 weekend Waves workshop, or multiple Waves classes). Please ask if you have questions about if you have the 5Rhythms experience needed for this workshop. A 5Rhythms® Heartbeat Workshop opens our emotional world and focuses on how each Rhythm corresponds to the essential emotions: Flowing/Fear, Staccato/ Anger, Chaos/Sadness, Lyrical/Joy, and Stillness/Compassion.
Contact: Layah at layah (at) layahjane (dot) com
REGISTER: https://heartspaceproductions.wufoo.com/forms/heartbeat-nov-2022-2015
Fri Nov 20: 7-9:30pm
Sat Nov 21: 11am-6pm
Sun Nov 22: 11am-5pm
$245 Early Bird / $265 Regular after Oct 15
Fri venue: Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St W, Toronto
Sat/Sun venue: Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, 16 Spadina Rd, Toronto
Adam has been studying healing and meditation since the early '80's, and teaching the Rhythms since '93. "My teaching style is clear, high energy, and I hope inspiring. I'm a rock and roll monk, dedicated father, endless seeker, a take-no-prisoners big cat who's spent enough time in the shadows to know how precious it is to enjoy life, and to have compassion for most of what turns up on the dance floor."
*This workshop is taught by an accredited 5RTA teacher and credit for this workshop will count toward future 5Rhythms® trainings.