Amidst our culture of high speed “doing”, 5Rhythms movement meditation offers us space to let ourselves “be”. Time to touch in on what’s below the surface. To dowse for wellsprings of wonder. A place for a community of practice to emerge, with room for each of us to arrive as we are. A space to nourish, replenish, and ReSource.
Come, let’s gather by the waters of our shared love of movement. Let’s make space to honour the ebb and flow of griefs and joys that dance through us. Let’s rest into the pleasures of good grooves, and the good company of other dancing seekers of the sacred. Let’s empty out, and let’s fill ourselves back up, with some long deep drinks from the Well.
When: Sun May 4, 11am - 5pm
Where: 42 Quebec Street, Guelph, ON
Tuition: Tuition: $115 Regular, $140 Supporting, $90 Supported (10 spots available)
Questions? Contact: Melanie Martin
*Tiered pricing is available so that those of us with more can share, and those of us who could use some support can receive it.
All are welcome here: all bodies, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities & disabilities, and movement experience.